When is Kaanum Pongal in 2025? Know about Kaanum Pongal and the day and date on which Kaanum Pongal falls this year. Information about holidays and important days in 2015. Find out when is Kaanum ...
Today is Kaanum Pongal, Bommala Nomu, Mukkanuma, Guru Gobind Singh Jayanti, Uzhavar Thirunal. Date: Today is January 17, 2024, Wednesday. As per the Indian national calendar, today is Pausa 6, of ...
Kaanum Pongal or Kanum Pongal is the fourth and the final day of the four-day Pongal festival. Kulasegaram Sanchayan explores what the festival signifies to Tamils from various parts of the world.
C HENNAI: Marina beach, one of the city’s most popular destinations for Kaanum Pongal, remained largely crowd-free on Thursday evening as it looks many residents have left the city owing to the ...
CHENNAI: Greater Chennai Police on Saturday announced elaborate security arrangements for Kaanum Pongal on January 16 when thousands of people come to the beaches. Around 16,000 police personnel ...