Jesus looked intently at Peter for a moment ... 2:11-14 where St. Paul rebukes St. Peter (Cephas) for acting insincerely. This rebuke from St. Paul does not undermine St. Peter's teaching ...
To which Peter responds, 'You are the Messiah." But when Jesus predicts his own passion, Peter rebukes him, prompting Jesus to call him "Satan." When Jesus is arrested, Peter denies knowing him ...
Sunday of Lent year C ✠ A reading from the Holy Gospel according to Luke 9:28-36 Jesus took Peter, John, and James and went ...
In the verses we looked at last week, Matthew 16:13-20, Peter has an insight inspired by the holy spirit and declares that Jesus is the Christ, the Messiah, the son of the living God. For that he is ...
And Peter says, "This should not happen to you," and Jesus rebukes him as Satan.... The Gospel of Mark has for many years been discussed under the question of "the messianic secret." And there are ...