Images of the blood-splattered bills of endangered vultures tend to evoke less sympathy, but a new study provides a reason to be concerned for their survival. The near-extinction of Indian vultures in ...
The near-extinction of India’s vultures due to diclofenac poisoning triggered an ecological and public health crisis. As ...
In vultures, diclofenac causes kidney failure: Autopsies reveal organs coated with white crystals. The Indian die-off received a lot of attention because its downstream effects were so startling.
Sudarshan, and Eyal Frank of the University of Chicago, co-authors of the upcoming American Economic Review paper, compared maps of vulture habitats to health records for more than 600 Indian ...
The population of Indian vulture severely declined during the crisis in the 1990s, resulting in the listing of the species as Critically Endangered on the IUCN Red List in 2002. The new study has ...
Notably, the project was announced in 2020 under India’s five-year action plan for vulture conservation by the Ministry of ...
Recently, a vulture carrying a GPS tracking device near ... fitted by the Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS), a well-known Indian conservation group. The tag had a website address for the ...
In India, vulture populations collapsed by 99.9%, the sharpest decline of any animal ever recorded, in the 'Indian Vulture Crisis'. Debbie Pain and Chris Bowden describe the urgent international ...
Each Indian vulture that eats the carcasses of India’s holy cows generates about 9,200 euros per year for its services. Animal rights activists have calculated it. But now the birds are threatened ...
Globally endangered vultures such as the Red-headed Vulture, Indian Vulture, and Egyptian Vulture were observed, along with species like the Short-toed Snake Eagle, Rock Eagle Owl, Indian Scops ...