Why now? The cost of inaction on human capital development is going up. Without human capital, countries cannot sustain economic growth, will not have a workforce that is prepared for the more ...
US-Europe Differences in Technology-Driven Growth: Quantifying the Role of Education. Journal of Monetary Economics, January, 51(1), 161-90. Le, Trinh, Gibson, John and Oxley, Les (2004). A forward ...
In line with its commitment to excellence, Egbin Power has revitalised its Learning Academy to enhance human capital ...
The world’s largest sovereign wealth fund, Norway’s Government Pension Fund Global, which runs $1.6 trillion in assets, has ...
growth) while also creating a unique place to work (such that superior business results are sustainable) should take this course. The objective of Managing Human Capital can be captured in a simple ...
Human nature changes far too slowly to diminish ... but it all stemmed from pursuing growth. Pure capital preservation actually means curbing or capping growth. You may end up with less after ...
The right policies and allocation in sectors such as education and health can go a long way in improving the quality of India's human capital, which is essential for sustainable economic growth ...