Once demonized and hunted to the edge of extinction, wolves have made an incredible comeback across much of Europe. New ...
Gray wolves, listed as threatened in Minnesota, have spent time on and off the Endangered Species Act. Now, legislation could ...
If the gray wolf is removed from the endangered species list, states take over hunting regulations. In Illinois, the gray ...
Fourteen years after the first gray wolf, known as OR-7, was spotted in California in a century, the population has grown to ...
Once again, the data collected on the recovering Mexican wolf population show progress.” -- Stewart Liley, chief of wildlife ...
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (AP) — It is a ritual that takes place every winter — federal and state wildlife managers use remote cameras, scat collection, radio telemetry devices and helicopters to count ...
The number of confirmed wolf depredation incidents is on the rise as California's gray wolf population slowly recovers Wildlife officials and ranchers are working together to find solutions to ...
The Assiniboine Park Zoo’s last living grey wolf, Bear, died this week. The wolf was nearly 15 years old and had to be ...
The wolves were captured from and released back to three packs in Siskiyou, Lassen and Sierra counties, state wildlife ...