Oda created Luffy's Gear 5 to add fun and silliness to the series. Gear 5 is Luffy's strongest form, designed to match his ...
Luffy would become the strongest member of both his pirate crew and his family, and with the awakening of Gear 5, Luffy is ...
A One Piece fan art is going viral on the internet which shows the insane side of Luffy's Gear 5 form and Oda needs to focus ...
Luffy's attacks have changed greatly as One Piece has gone on. Here's a closer look at how much they've changed.
Luffy’s Gear 5 gets a new look here ... with Shamrock making a sinister face.
One Piece's latest chapter reveals a new threat on Elbaf, setting up a perfect battle for Luffy's imaginative Gear Five powers.