An earthquake occurred in Iran today, March 21, during the day. It was recorded in the area of a nuclear facility, which is ...
Shaking observed in the area of the pipeline explosion after the earthquake was relatively low, said Ellen Rathje, an expert in earthquakes’ impacts on manmade structures who is UT Austin’s ...
A 3.9-magnitude earthquake struck near North Hollywood around 10:13 p.m. local time, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. According to the USGS, light shaking was felt in Burbank and North ...
Early callers reported a possible "explosion" and "earthquake," while a later caller told the 911 operator they heard people "yelling" in the rubble Joelle Goldstein is a Senior News Editor on ...
Theories began to spread about a possible earthquake or meteor. When asked if his department received any calls about the explosion, Allen Park Fire Chief Jeff O'Riley said that he hadn't heard ...
More than a day after a house blew up in Pacoima, residents are still evacuated, as crews work to get rid of the dangerous chemicals that are still in the home.
the explosion here," he said.Ramirez asked the family that Holy Family Parish is now helping what it was like to be inside the blast zone."They said it was -- it felt like an earthquake.
Now, after reports of an earthquake or explosion near Natanz, this could be a sign of new danger for the US and Israel. Has Iran made a nuclear bomb? If it is proved that Iran has developed a ...
He also addressed the 'explosion' noises those close to the epicentre reported. 'If you're very close to the earthquake, the seismic waves are very impulsive, they arrive very quickly ...
it's hard to tell whether it was an earthquake, whether it was explosion, whether something hit the building. That is fairly typical." Earthquakes Canada says earthquakes with a magnitude of under ...