In what's expected to soon be commonplace, artificial intelligence is being harnessed to pick up signs of cancer more ...
The Mayo Clinic and Exact Sciences are developing an easy, noninvasive test to detect endometrial cancer in women with ...
However, this symptom is not specific and can also occur with endometrial hyperplasia and certain other nonmalignant conditions of the vagina. Nonbloody vaginal discharge can also be a ...
But not all types of endometrial thickness (hyperplasia) raise your risk for cancer. The cancer risk for those with endometrial hyperplasia ranges from about 8% to 30%, depending on what type of ...
So more often, polyps would be the cause of the bleeding rather than fibroids. Endometrial hyperplasia refers to a uterine lining that is too thick. The thickening is often caused by a hormonal ...
Endometrial hyperplasia is a condition characterized by the thick growth of endometrial tissue that lines the uterus. After a person reaches menopause, they may decide to undergo certain types of ...