Amplified spontaneous emission is a physical phenomenon that entails the amplification of the light spontaneously emitted by ...
Now experiments at elevated pressures are shown to identify excited-state proton-coupled electron transfer mechanisms and to facilitate merging proton transfer with subsequent electron transfer ...
An international research team from Switzerland, Denmark, Germany, Croatia, Norway, Spain and Japan has made a significant ...
(Relaxation is the process by which the molecule moves from an excited, high-energy state to a lower energy ... scientists used the relativistic ultrafast electron diffraction (UED) instrument ...
If an electron is in an excited state it can return to a lower energy level. When it does this, it loses energy. The amount of energy it loses will be equal to the difference in the energy levels ...
Scientists have achieved the first real-time visualization of how 'excited-state aromaticity' emerges within just hundreds of femtoseconds and then triggers a molecule to change from bent to planar ...
Rare cases exist of divalent carbon compounds called carbones, where a central neutral atom in an electronically excited state is stabilized by two bonds with neutral electron-pair donating groups.
Researchers demonstrate how phosphorene nanoribbons' magnetic properties interact with light, paving the way for new quantum technologies.