From sonic tomographies to global biodiversity negotiations, this journey through research, resilience, and connection ...
Loss of Biodiversity Climate change is a formidable force that threatens the rich tapestry of life on Earth, known as biodiversity. This intricate web of life is at risk as many species struggle to ...
All the creatures on planet earth affect each other. That's what we call ecosystems. Usually they affect each other in quite small ways. But there's one creature who affects all the others in ...
Microplastics disrupt photosynthesis, leading to global productivity losses. Findings stress the importance of addressing ...
In recent years, environmental science has increasingly focused on the issue of sediment contamination by both major and trace elements, which has an impact ...
Research on plastics in aquatic environments is well-established, but little is known about their presence, pathways, and ...
and a nursery ground for a variety of organisms and thereby maintain complex ecosystems. The researchers focused on the effects of climate change on kelps in order to draw conclusions about the ...
and a nursery ground for a variety of organisms and thereby maintain complex ecosystems. The researchers focused on the effects of climate change on kelps in order to draw conclusions about the ...