In 1929, Amelia Perry was born in Haskell County; just one year later, the nation would be hit with an agricultural and ...
Great dust storms spread from the Dust Bowl area. The drought is the worst ... which allows him to take up to 140 million acres of federally-owned land out of the public domain and establish ...
A powerful novel set in the Dust Bowl era of America that is packed with secrets, sinister falsehoods and a passionate care ...
The heroine of Karen Russell’s new novel, The Antidote —her second—is a plucky teenage girl intent on excelling at a practice ...
Yet The Dust Bowl is also a story of heroic perseverance against enormous odds: families finding ways to survive and hold on to their land, New Deal programs that kept hungry families afloat ...
Hazy or dust-darkened skies have recalled the “Dust Bowl” of the 1930s, when millions of tons of blowing soil buried farms and coated towns across the Great Plains. Lesser storms occur every ...
I think that we can perhaps meditate a little on those Americans ten thousand years from now , and I think they will still be ...
Karen Russell’s “The Antidote,” her first novel since Pulitzer Prize finalist “Swamplandia,” does not make it easy on ...
In 1929, an unprecedented decade of drought, known as the Dust Bowl, hits parts of the Canadian prairies. (National Archives of Canada, PA-139645) Bailey's family had worked the land for ...