Matt Smith's Eleventh Doctor wasted no time ignoring the wishes ... because the Doctor isn’t able to protect someone from the ...
Doctor Who showrunner Russell T Davies shared the one thing he believed was the best decision since he rebooted the sci-fi ...
Doctor Who's lore runs deep over the 60 years that the show has been on air, but there are several episodes that define the ...
Some of the work of longtime Dalek and Doctor Who fan Julian Vince has been saved from destruction, but much of it will now ...
Julian sold the Derek Dodd-created Dalek last year, but the little gun is for sale, which is small, but totally 100% genuine.
The Eleventh and Tenth Doctors in The Day of ... Doctor put to Clara in the previous season’s story, Into the Dalek. The Doctor’s ‘sonic shades’ are the latest in a long line of sound ...
Speaking on David Tennant Does a Podcast With…, Davies told the former Doctor actor: “That was my best decision, to stick to the Daleks. They weren’t allowed to change their proportions at all.