It's the sort of complaint that Jefferson Parish Council members hear on a daily basis, said at-large council member Scott ...
Jefferson Parish President Cynthia Lee Sheng says they had no choice, but to cancel Mardi Gras parades on Fat Tuesday. "The ...
That's why President Cynthia Lee Sheng is stepping into a new position that she hopes will spark change. Of the National Association of Counties Intergovernmental Disaster Reform Task Force's 30 ...
Ponchatoula Police Chief Bry Layrisson recently proposed an ordinance to the city council which would prevent gatherings of 30 or more at city parks.
Parish President Cynthia Lee Sheng said the Krewe of Argus Parade, which was scheduled to roll at 11 a.m., is canceled due to forecasted wind gusts of up to 60 mph Tuesday. Krewe of Elks ...
Jefferson Parish President Cynthia Lee Sheng announced Argus has now been rescheduled to roll on March 16. According to the Argus organization, the krewe is now expected to roll at 10 a.m., before ...
The severe weather and winds caused officials to urge caution about Mardi Gras floats during Fat Tuesday celebrations in New Orleans.
"The range of where we consider it dangerous and we bring in our people is around 30 to 35 mph," Jefferson Parish, Louisiana, President Cynthia Lee Sheng said at a news conference Monday ...