It’s a tough job market right now for new graduates, but people who majored in some subjects are having an easier time than ...
It’s easy to let the mind wander toward summer, but before you get there another milestone may lay in your path: selecting a college major. But how do you choose with so many interesting options at ...
In general, colleges want students to declare a major ... wrote in an email. "Their initial major choice may reflect the influence of their friends and family, or general impressions or ...
Which is why astrology, horoscopes, and zodiac signs can reveal things about a person's college major choice without them even knowing it. It wasn’t until middle school that I realized I had ...
A college usually offers engineering degrees through its department or school of engineering, while other STEM majors like mathematics or computer science often are in arts and sciences.
The field of bachelor’s degree makes a considerable difference in a college graduate’s annual earnings, according to 2011 American Community Survey data released this week by the U.S.
Do you have to get a job that matches your college major? In other words, is it right to think of your career as linear, going from what you chose for your college major straight to your career?
While college is a good investment on average ... the Bleemer-Mehta study will beget more research on the financial returns to choice of major. • I examine the extent to which the monetary ...