Coeliac UK delivered a 22,000-strong petition to 10 Downing Street on 19 March calling on the Government to safeguard access ...
In Lincolnshire, about 800 patients with coeliac disease or dermatitis herpetiformis get a prescription for up to eight units ...
Gluten-free bread can cost six times the amount of typical bread which contains gluten, Tom Rutland told the Commons.
Celiac disease can lead to both disease-related and diet-induced vitamin deficiencies, making it crucial for patients to ...
An increasing number of individuals experience discomfort in the gut or are being diagnosed with intestinal conditions such ...
Around 20,000 people have signed a petition in support of protecting gluten free prescriptions for people with coeliac ...
There were times when I would knowingly buy and eat something with wheat in it without any thought for the consequences.
At worst, young father Cameron Bond thought his colonoscopy in late January would lead to a diagnosis of Crohn’s or coeliac disease.
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