We've all been there. A leftover roast chicken carcass becomes a delicious homemade chicken stock — but then what? You make a lemony chicken noodle soup but you have broth left over, or you ...
you can stuff it with herbs and vegetables, such as lemon slices, garlic cloves, or carrots. The chicken carcass makes amazing chicken stock, at a fraction of what store bought costs.
Pull the chicken, don’t chop it Once you have your whole-roasted chicken, don’t cut the meat off the carcass and just chop it up. McConaughey’s preference is always to pull the poultry instead.
Mud proved a formidable obstacle at times, but an experiment designed to reduce the number of rotting cattle carcasses in ...
Cover the rice with 500ml/18fl oz stock (from the chicken carcass) and add the cinnamon stick, bay leaf and cardamom. Cook with the lid on over a high heat for 15 minutes. Towards the last five ...
When using leftover roast chicken, remove all the meat from the carcass, including the leg and darker thigh meat / oysters and shred thinly. Use chicken stock (made from the left-over carcass from ...