Vhari Russell, 47, has lived in Brampton for 20 years and said she had never seen it so badly affected by floods A woman in a Cambridgeshire village where parts have been submerged by floodwater ...
A National Highways spokesperson said: "The A14 westbound in Cambridgeshire is closed between J22 Brampton Interchange and J13 Thrapston. This is due to a very serious collision. READ MORE ...
Traffic was temporarily held for 45 minutes on the A1 northbound in Brampton, after a crash on ... continue after being held for 45 minutes. A Cambridgeshire County Council spokesperson said ...
Creating Nature's Corridors Vhari Russell set up Creating Nature’s Corridors as a means to commemorate the life of her brother Rory Ms Russell, from Brampton, Cambridgeshire, set up the charity ...
A Cambridgeshire man has described the A14 as the place "where trees come to die". John Lindsell, from Brampton, has criticised a National Highways planting scheme on the road between Cambridge ...