The ad, called "The Pledge," shows three depictions of Armed Forces members saying the Pledge of Allegiance but with ...
The full pledge, which many American children memorized in school, is as follows: "I pledge allegiance to the flag ... in the nation's history that two Black women senators will serve at the ...
India Landry was forced to find a new school after her expulsion The state of Texas is backing a school that expelled a black student ... flag during the US Pledge of Allegiance.
Saying he thought it wrong for anyone to “judge one’s love for country” by their recital of the Pledge of Allegiance, Mathews added that, “patriotism comes from the heart, not from words.” ...
It is in this context that we should consider House Bill 1222 in the North Dakota Legislature which, if passed, would make reciting the Pledge of Allegiance obligatory for school kids.