When 68 men and women from an indigenous community in Northern Kenya surrendered their lives to Jesus as part of an outreach ...
Baptism does what nothing else can. As Martin Luther said, by baptism “we are made holy and are saved, which no other kind of ...
Sadio Mane married Aisha Tamba little over a year ago and they have now welcomed their first child into the world and ...
Cancel anytime. Missouri men’s basketball forward Trent Pierce, left, holds his breath during his baptism ceremony that took place last summer at Hulen Lake in Columbia, Mo. COLUMBIA ...
The baptism ceremony also allows parents and godparents to make a promise before God to bring the baby up within the faith of Christianity. Christian denominations that also practise infant ...
It's a way of expressing publicly that you're a Christian. There are lots of symbols in a baptism ceremony. The water can represent coming clean to God and starting a new life. For a Christian the ...