An analysis of data covering 12 years and 10 U.S. Corn Belt states reveals that farmers suffer economic loss from the overuse ...
Dively and his colleagues compared data on sweet corn, peppers, and green beans grown in the Mid-Atlantic region of the U.S. in the 20 years before Bt maize was introduced ... and that in New Jersey, ...
According to entomologists, Bt insect resistance management plans should include "refuges," or fields of non-Bt plants where populations of insects will not encounter the toxin and will therefore ...
Bt must be applied no less than once a week to be effective, as it breaks down in sunlight. Timing is also important as ...
Farmers should be aware that overusing Bt corn can be problematic, according to an analysis of data covering 12 years and 10 ...
A new study published in the journal CABI Reviews highlights the critical role that integrated pest management (IPM) plays in combating the threat fall armyworm poses to Asian rice security.
"That can't be done completely with the current Bt trees and thus it might require some additional, albeit reduced, insecticide spraying for adults, for example." So far, scientists have developed ...
The African maize stem borer, Busseola fusca, is one of the most important pests of maize in Africa. Cry1Ab maize was planted ...
At this size, larvae are expected to feed for another week and might cause more injury and warrant a rescue insecticide treatment. If you planted corn with Bt traits, don’t assume they will ...