The carcass, reduced to a bony skeleton, measured about 6.5 feet and was surrounded by crawling creatures that fed on its ...
But when biologists took a look at the video, they said the whale was actually something much more rare — a juvenile Antarctic minke whale. “I’ve never heard of an Antarctic minke whale here ...
The country plans on killing 333 minke whales by the end of next summer ... sending a "research" ship to the Antarctic Ocean. The commission banned commercial whaling in 1986, but since then ...
rope, packing straps, bags and plastic cups were among the items discovered in a compacted mass during an investigation by Smass. A large number of entanglements involve humpback and minke whales.
In total, 17,072 whales, such as sei and Antarctic minke whales, have been flensed and cut up in the Antarctic Sea, the Northwest Pacific Ocean and waters around Japan. Up until the 1970s when ...
He gave no details of the negotiations, believed to revolve around having Japan end its Antarctic whale hunt while still being allowed to kill minke whales in the north Pacific Ocean. Prime ...
Findings discovered that humpback whales near the Antarctic Peninsula were present ... of the Bay of Biscay during the summer months. Minke whale sightings were concentrated in shallower, coastal ...
Last year, Japanese whalers caught 294 minke, Bryde’s and sei whales — less than 80% of the quota and fewer than the number once hunted in the Antarctic and the northwestern Pacific under the ...