These animals, however, are real and very impressive ... know is that they have a cousin that is significantly smaller. The Svalbard Reindeer (Rangifer tarandus platyrhynchus) lives in the ...
A decade ago, Archer and colleagues fitted 13 female bears with GPS collars that recorded the animals' locations, body temperatures and levels of activity. The researchers used this data to locate the ...
To watch a reindeer feed at midnight in Svalbard is to witness an extraordinary event. The reindeer here, like the ptarmigan, let go of the nocturnal rhythms that govern the lives of most animals.
Seeds from 19 species of African trees have been added to the Svalbard Global Seed Vault in Norway. The trees were selected by the World Agroforestry Center for their value to communities across ...
On Svalbard, cubs remain with their mother for 2.5 years after birth, according to the statement. RELATED STORIES — Polar bear sleeping on tiny iceberg drifting in Arctic sea captured in ...