Years later, Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin, which allegedly saved Churchill’s life when he was suffering from ...
It took World War II to revitalize interest in penicillin, and Howard Florey and Ernst Chain picked up the work. In recognition for his contribution, Alexander Fleming was knighted in 1944.
Alexander Fleming returned to his research laboratory at St. Mary's Hospital in London after World War I. His battlefront experience had shown him how serious a killer bacteria could be ...
Alexander Fleming’s 1928 discovery of a mold with antibacterial properties ... preventing death from infection for an uncountable number of soldiers towards the end of World War II, but also ...
After World War I, Alexander Fleming was conducting an experiment with bacteria when a tear fell from his eye into a culture plate. He later noticed that a substance in his tear (which he named ...
They could look at the war poster with the headline ‘Thanks ... students should develop an appreciation of the impact Alexander Fleming’s discoveries have had on society.
They could look at the war poster with the headline ‘Thanks ... students should develop an appreciation of the impact Alexander Fleming’s discoveries have had on society.