ALBANY — The city will issue yet another request for proposals for a transfer station to replace the Rapp Road landfill as the dump’s closure is now pushed back to 2028. Last spring, the city sought ...
The City of Albany has announced the schedule and lineup for the 77th annual Albany Tulip Festival. The yearly event will be ...
The Ignazio Giacalone Act would give children and siblings of sanitation workers who died from 9/11-related illnesses ...
This rigid standard has resulted in thousands of dismissals of criminal cases each year, including serious cases, often with ...
Protesters were outside the Albany City Courthouse on Friday calling for tougher penalties, after two people accused in the ...
The state capitol was filled with dread as there remains no plan to fill the yawning funding gap in the MTA's capital plan — ...
With a shift in federal policy and an upcoming election, Albany's mayoral candidates are weighing in on the municipality's ...
In addition to traditions, including street scrubbing and crowning the Tulip Queen, the weekend festival will include ...
Tony Manfredi says the math doesn't work to pursue another similar project because of the stricter requirements under the ...
Single family zoning in the city of Albany is up for discussion at Tuesday's Common Council meeting. 10th ward councilor ...
The city fo Albany and Dougherty County were awarded a Safe Streets and Roads for All (SSR4A) grant to improve the safety of ...
The group working to bring a new stadium to downtown Albany has made several changes to the plan — including a new design, ...