Ajith Kumar is grabbing all the limelight after the Indian government announced the prestigious Padma Bhushan Award for him. In addition to this honor, the actor is coming up with his next big ...
DUBAI (ANI) – Actor Ajith Kumar, currently in Dubai for the 24H Dubai 2025 endurance race, experienced a harrowing incident during a practice session when his car crashed on the racing track.
Aadvik, son of actor Ajith Kumar, won first place in both sprint and relay races at inter-school athletic competitions. Proud mother Shalini shared the achievement online, drawing warm wishes.
Tamil superstar Ajith Kumar, a Padma Bhushan recipient, who is known for his work in cinema and motorsports, also remembered his late father and thanked his mother for her unwavering support.
Earlier this month, actor Ajith Kumar achieved a remarkable feat at the 24H Dubai 2025 endurance race. Competing with his team, Racing by Bas Koeten, they clinched third place in the 991 category ...