Samuel William “Sam” Winchester is one of the main protagonists of Supernatural alongside his brother Dean Winchester. Both brothers share a bloodline with Cain and Abel which made Sam predestined to ...
Spanning 15 seasons, Eric Kripke's dark-fantasy drama Supernatural aired between 2005-2020. It blends the genres of horror ...
The Clone Wars Easter egg in Supernatural, and it's likely going to make you pretty annoyed once you watch it.
Jared Padalecki has commented on his upcoming appearance in the hotly anticipated fifth and final season of The Boys. The ...
“Supernatural” aired on the CW from 2005 to 2020 and starred Ackles and Padalecki as demon-fighting brothers Dean Winchester and Sam Winchester, respectively. The series also starred Collins ...
Ackles and Padalecki played monster-hunting brothers Dean and Sam Winchester on “Supernatural,” which aired from 2005 to 2020. Collins portrayed Castiel, an Angel of the Lord, beginning in ...